Preskoči na vsebino





  • 6. Jun 2022

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The University of Maribor coordinates the European cooperation partnership in vocational education and training

Entrepreneurs are an important pillar of the EU economy, and it is essential to provide them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed; B-ECO would not only train them in important competencies, skills and tools but also provide them with the ability to become innovative and to stand out in the market instead of drowning in it.

World environment day with global community teamwork, Group of v


B-ECO is an EU wide partnership project designed to identify core and innovative learning methods that best encourage success in competencies and skills, and innovation activities for VET trainers in the eco-entrepreneurial sector and entrepreneurs, potential entrepreneurs, unemployed people as well as start-ups.

Through the guide of experts in this area, our partners will contribute with their wide experience in finding best practices, case studies, lessons learnt and future opportunities. During the project, we will deliver training and practical managerial education among training providers from partner countries through an innovative training focused on eco-entrepreneurship, innovation and management on eco-businesses, and a new and innovative e-learning platform aimed at creating a unique space of shared knowledge and experiences between course users.

This innovative training course will function in both ways – to be delivered by trainers and independently as an online course to help us reach the highest possible number of users. The B-ECO strategic partnership will focus on promoting access and learning through Open Educational Resources (OER), supporting ICT in VET field to improve and extend the offer of high-quality learning opportunities tailored to individual trainers by including innovative ways of delivery.

The main expected results are: The Eco-entrepreneurs Training Course Structure Development, Didactic materials for VET Teachers, Case Studies Collection “Greatest hits”, R4 Social Eco e-LearningPlatform. 

The project is running from 28 February 2022 to 27 February 2024. The following partner institutions cooperate in the consortium: Lovila Limited from Ciprus, Stowarzyszenie Centrum Wspierania eduakcji i przedsiebiorczosci (CWEP) from Poland, Escola proffisional doalto Lima – cooperativa de interesse publico e responsabilidade limitada (EPRALIMA) from Portugal, EUROTRAINING Educational Organization from Greece and Euphoria Net Srl from Italy.

The Kick-off meeting will take place in Maribor on 28 June 2022.

Contact: Karolina Bucka Kustec (

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  • 6. Jun 2022

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